5 Reasons to Pick Train Travel over Flying

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Train travel is experiencing a resurgence in popularity, and for good reason. While it’s widely recognised as a more sustainable option compared to flying, the benefits don’t stop there. We’ve rounded up our top five reasons why choosing the train over a plane not only makes environmental sense but also enhances your travel experience. Plus, we’ve thrown in a bonus point to further sweeten the deal. Read on to discover why train travel is quickly becoming the preferred mode of transport for savvy travelers.

1- More Legroom! – Imagine the horror of squeezing past your seat mates on a plane just to use the bathroom, while the passenger behind you keeps kicking your seat. And just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse, the person in front of you slams their seat back into full recline. On the contrary, on a train, you’ll find yourself with plenty of room to stretch out and move around, easing the stress on your joints. You can even take a stroll around the length of the train and perhaps get a bite to eat.

2- Work from Train– Trains are basically mobile office spaces. Courtesy of the onboard Wi-Fi, you can just pop open your laptop and get some work done while taking in the beauty of the passing scenery. Sounds so good! And once you are done with catching up with all your emails, you can make use of all that extra space by spreading out some sheets of paper to sketch, watching a movie or dealing a hand of cards with your fellow passengers.

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4- Save some time and money – Train rides are not only generally cheaper than flying, especially for shorter distances, but also involve less hassle. Train stations are usually centrally located, unlike airports on the city outskirts, so you save on taxi fares. Plus, there’s no need to arrive hours early, stand in line to check luggage, or endure the dreaded security checks with electronics and belts everywhere. Traveling by train skips all that hassle, which is personally my favourite reason why trains are simply better!

5- Keep Your Luggage Close – A major hassle of flying is the frequent mishandling of luggage by airlines. On the train, your belongings are for you to oversee, kept above your below your feet, so they’re never out of mind or reach. Plus you get to pack what you need without fussing over weight limits. And if you are travelling with your little ones, you get to keep their stroller right there in the carriage, making life just a little bit easier. So if you forget to pick up your luggage from the train, only you are to be blamed!

Bonus reason– You can take your furry friends along with you! Your pets are more comfortable travelling beside you, enjoying the passing scenery rather than having to be caged in the cargo area of the plane. So let your pets travel beside you, happily and enjoy the view!

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Do you agree with the points we’ve listed above? We’d love to hear your thoughts on why train travel is your preferred choice. If you have additional reasons supporting train travel, please share them in our comment section below. Your insights are invaluable to us and help enrich our discussions.

Stay tuned for our next segment, where we’ll share another five very interesting reasons why trains are superior to planes. Join us in our mission of making train travel more popular among the masses so that we can all travel more conscientiously and collectively make a significant impact on our environmental footprint 🍀

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